Tuesday, February 24, 2009

episode 63 - It was the best of times, It was the worst of times


Riverboat Gamblers - A choppy, Yet Sincere Apology
Bull Lee - Fairfax Ave
The Queers - From Your Boy
Ender Bowen - Tongue in Cheek
The Holly Days - 7th Street
Blue Static - Hands Off The Wheel
The Holly Days - Just Another Holiday!
The Holly Days - Don't Go To Bed Mad

One Crazy Chimp Attack, Cow Urine in India, Long Fingernails, and my recap of a Gig gone horribly wrong with a crazy lady. Listen and enjoy

Call the voice line and leave a message: (206)888-4969 or email me your comments: fromtheburro@gmail.com

Direct download: episode63.mp3

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