Tuesday, April 14, 2009

episode 67 - Food and Motorized Barstools


The Horrorpops - Heading for the Disco
The Hot Rocks - Little Red Stiletto
Twin Cam - Jet Black
The Fire Apes - Tuesday's Fine
Adam McIntyre - I Need You
Amphibians - New Day (I Feel Alone)
Jason and the Punknecks - Eloped
The Rooftops - One Million Dollars

Stories about food, barstools, Phil Spector, and Kayne West is a gay fish.

Email: fromtheburro@gmail.com
website: http://www.fromtheburro.com
Voice Mail: (206)888-4969

Direct download: episode67.mp3

*Most songs were downloaded from: http://music.podshow.com *

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